Surely, you'll have fall back on the old arguments of emotionalism or projection as the cause of my delusion, but if you care enough to do your own research, you'll find that I'm right on and I am right on only because the evidence is unmistakable and because I've done my homework—Why?—Because I care about truth.

I'll pass along a few nuggets that I challenge you to chew on, if you dare. I ask that you inform me if you accept the challenge:
I could explain to you all the facts about darwinism and evolution, and you wouldn't be convinced because you have a strong faith. I'm not actually even trying to change your beliefs, I am just attacking your self-righteousness when you make statements such as
you'll find that I'm right on and I am right on only because the evidence is unmistakable and because I've done my homework
Guess what? I am an atheist and follow science, but I can admit there are no answers to ANY SIDE, there is no conclusive science yet. And there is ZERO evidence that god exists, I am actually curious as to what you call your unmistakable evidence. You don't have to do me any homework, just post 1 piece of evidence of god's existence