[ Why anyone would choose to worship a lesser god/spirit when they know of a greater one confounds me though. But people have many reasons for the things they do I realize that, even if I disagree with their choices.

Come on now. I respect the right of people to believe what they want. I'm not here to talk anyone out of being Christian, and it's great that no one has come here and told me I'm going to hell. This is what we need more of, respect for each other, even though we have our differences.

I am offended by this idea that your God is the one and only god. Members of other religions might say just the same, that their God is the one and only, and that you are grossly mistaken. This is how holy wars start. Each group believes it is The Chosen and that everyone else is heathen. Well doesn't it feel peachy to be so special, out of all the people in this world, and all the people who ever existed.

I have a special fondness for Hinduism because Hindus believe that there are many ways to the truth. They accept the major figures from other faiths as being of euqal legitimacy as their own gods. They are all avatars of the universal truth, if you will. The Hindus I have known are some of the most easygoing, friendly and accepting people around.

If you can't find anything remarkable in Hinduism or Buddhism then you haven't looked very hard.

Like I said, you have every right to your beliefs, but I find it upsetting that you must be looking down your nose at everyone else. Why not try to learn about where other people are coming from, and why they believe what they do. It might expand your horizons a bit.