Jesus said that he was God. If you don't believe his statement then he was either a lunatic or a liar, not a great teacher.

I've always thought Jesus was a great teacher. I can't think of anything he said that I object to. I think the life of Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) has a lot to teach people too; this is something I intend to learn more about.

So did I miss something vitally important when I was scrolling through the vid? It would be immensely painful for me to spend an evening watching the whole thing, I certainly get what he's trying to say. I could take notes on it all and respond to each detail, and this probably sounds arrogant, but it would be a waste of my time. He's full of baloney. I've given a few reasons why I think this. However, I do not blindly accept everything about evolution either, and I certainly accept that theories can be adaptoed and changed as new evidence is found. I'm quite serious about having a look at links to info about what non-religious scientists are saying in critique of evolution, and what their objections are.

I also think that microbes had a very long time to stew around and evolve. At some point, maybe after a billion years or more, DNA came to be, and life exploded. A billion years is a long time, long enough for something improbable to eventually happen. (And if I played the lottery every week for a billion years, I might actually win it at some point too, sounds like the right sort of timeframe). I'm willing to consider other views about what happened, but I am not willing to consign an enigma to the realms of religion or superstition just because we do not fully understand it.