So what's this here business y'all are runnin ? Just curious.

smug as a bug in a rug. I'm a web developer, I build little online businesses from the ground up for christians. Spread the gospel via the net in a round about way, help take care of each other's needs. I do some secular business stuff but those clients are real hard to work with, very dishonest sad to say. I keep a little bit of distance from those, I don't get along real well with that crowd as you can see.

Me, it is a prollem indeed, be careful what you ask for. Thankfully I didn't ask for this business it truly was just dumped in my lap one day. I wasn't even sure I wanted it.

One day though, I went home, my daughter was real little and I had just delivered her to kindergarten, I was just sitting there and no kidding, I hear the Lord say to me.. 'the phone is going to ring in 5 minutes, just say yes to everything'. Well, it rang about 3 and a half minutes later and there is this big bucks friend of mine on the line offering to give me cash for advertising and merchant accounts etc to get this thing off the ground in short time... which really only was on my desk because a previous client (secular of course) hadn't paid for the work. Normally I would have said no outright because i do not like to get involved with other people with my work. I mean my bills were overdue for the month, I had tuition to pay for my daughter, etc.. She only owed me about $2000.00, I think we have made close to $350,000.00 with the one project over several years. And it has spawned others.

A blessing in disguise what can I tell ya. I am at work right now on the internet. This board is quite a distraction I admit.