Yes, that mountain of evidence. One branch of science links to another, to another, to another. If you really are going to stand firm in your belief that the world is a few thousand years old and everything was created just the way it is, you have to reject virtually everything we've learned about the Earth and the universe. I wouldn't have thought I'd actually have to spell this out, that it should be obvious to anyone who has been through school.

Genetics, mitochondrial testing, DNA -- all wrong.

Carbon/radioactive decay dating -- all wrong.

Fossils of all manner of creatures, preserved in strata; fish in rocks at the tops of mountains, animals in rocks at the bottom of the sea -- all a hoax.

Plate tectonics and the ways it is measured -- the magnetic signatures in rocks, the movements of the earth today, subduction zones, mid-ocean rifts, the way some continents seem to fit together like puzzle pieces, fossil evidence that some creatures used to exist on one land mass that broke up and have since been evolving in isolation -- all wrong, all a hoax.

Light reaching us from galaxies that took billions of years to make it here -- wrong, unless you believe that light travels faster than light speed, or the astronomers are hoaxing us all too

The cosmic microwave background radiation -- wrong too

I could go on and on. People who know a lot more than me could list hundreds of things here and explain them in detail.

Seems to me, you've really got to put the blinkers on to throw all this into the bucket and deny any of it is real.