Plain old black walnut hull without anything else is supposed to be good for animals. Cats cannot tolerate everything so be sure whatever you give them is cat tested.

Bathing them in tea tree oil shampoo and then rubbing just a tad (just a little, rubbed into wet fur don't burn them) of plain tea tree oil onto them after bathing will help keep them flea and lice free. My cat needs a bath hasn;t had one all month and I really hate when she's itching and licking herself all over the house. My cat is very unique though, doesn't raise an eyebrow at birds or squirrels, sits happily on the porch sunning herself all day rarely wanders even 50 feet. Loves dogs, walks right up to them and licks their noses. Funny. She does not like other cats.

Lots of store brand pet foods are full of soy you know, read the lables. they shouldn't eat that, it's really not good for them at all.

I've actually been eating just a little bit of hard fresh black walnut hull that i pick up from the trees around here... I was expecting it to make me feel parasite cleanse yucky but it seems to have the opposite effect, makes me feel really good, unless it's something else i am not sure.. but I am going to get some more fresh tomorrow and will keep you posted on that. Maybe has some trace mineral I am otherwise lacking. the stuff is really really hot like cayene pepper fresh like that. Burns my tongue for a good few minutes. I would have to wrap it in something real yummy to get it down the cats throat but i probably should give her a bit too. Supposedly, house pets are the biggest source of parasite contamination, we catch it from them.