So little cat has been given a designated spot on the porch for a bit because she fights with me about the black walnut eyedrops... fact cat is easy, i think she is actually dewormed by now... but not little cat, she definitely has worms... we found some worm egss on the blanket she sleeps on and everything... I am so tired of cleaning the house... but anyway she has been living outside, a nice cozy protected area... for the past few days... last night she caught a big rat... didn't eat it thankfully, didn't even break the skin, just one drop of blood coming out the thing's mouth, but it was quite dead, i think she squeezed it real tight. About 10-11 inches long including the tail.

She is quite a hunter I guess. I didn't even know we had rats here. mice yeah, moles, but i had never seen a rat here.