hmmm... I have 'liver' spots on my hands and arms, stopping about halfway up my forearm, they get pretty dark if I am in the sun a lot with exposed arms. They weren't that way last year, i had some, not too many, but these all showed up after the mercury poisoning. I don't have them anywhere else, not a single freckle. But, I usually wear a hat if I'm outside for long in the summer sun, and why they've never showed up on my feet I have no idea. They're faded now because it's winter but they are still there, the liver cleanse didn't help that, immediately at least. and from the timing, it's pretty evident they from are the mercury, in my case anyway.

I have read that bentonite is helpful to get rid of parasites too. Never tried that though.

I have given the liver flush info to a number of women in their 50's-60's around here, they are all quite interested in that. I don't think it''l be as hard as you think.

No, for sure you will get saved, covered by the blood as they say... you'll be back here at some point evangelising everyone... if someone is praying for you that hard, he pretty much has to do it, because he said he would, if 2 or 3 ask, agree etc etc... just a matter of time. the day will definitely come.

pretty much how I got saved too, the mighty prayers of others.