No uh uh. Jesus spat in the mud and then rubbed the mud in his eye. as a parasite pro, you might come to the recent revelation about clay/parasites that i did regarding that. Maybe that is why he put the mud there, i was thinking that acouple weeks ago.. maybe the guy had an infection of some sort in his eyes/eyelids as well as being blind. Can't be sure that is the case... but it makes sense to me.

Afraid to ask the wife to do the parasite cleanse huh?... not good. She really should. at a certain point you'll be afraid to touch her much less ask her.

I showed my daughter the parasite photo gallery page... made her read the one about pinworms because those are very common, and she caved in within two minutes.

Whats to lose, everything to gain, years to her lifespan even. I would ask. I would beg.