Phew! Thanks Sos, now I know. I have been thinking for a long time why you had not got them out and now I know. You dropped various little hints over the months, but generally you furiously avoided talking about it. It was obviously a subject that annoyed the $hit out of you. Sorry for forcing it on you again.

You feel exactly the same way about dentists as I feel about doctors. Exactly! A waste of time, energy and a whole load of money and piled on top of that a bucket load of pain. Talking about my doctors gets me all riled up and I want to punch one of those STUPID COCKS! See….i’m getting all worked about now, just thinking about those wankers.

Your life is back on track. Happy dayz! Mine is not. Amalgam removal and chelation is just one part of my (hoped for) rejuvenation. Hence all the educating, liver flushes, parasite & kidney cleanses, diets and everything else if have tried and am trying.

I was toxic aluminium, titanium and copper. Aluminium is now down to normal as is titanium. Copper is getting lower after the steps I took to reduce it, diet and specific supplements. Iron was high-ish too.

I am currently not chelating because of the humaworm. And I am also doing a 1 month bowel cleanse and I’m taking the Essiac tea. All these things detox me in weird and wonderful ways. Adding mercury into the mix is something that I could do if I felt up to it, but I do not feel up to attacking mercury at the same time as all this. Burst my bubble? Naaa…..i hope all my bubbles are popped now…but I guess I will find out sooner or later.

My education continues, I have been at it for 1 year now. I have many more things to discover, my bookcase is full of unread health books….i don’t know which one to start next because I want to read them all asap, LOL. It is lonely this journey as no one in my circle of friends nor collegues nor clients has any idea about all this healthy…….? ……all this healthy stuff we now know about. Being able to talk with friends about all this stuff is real important to me. I am lonely no more…….

Typo’s ? I didn’t notice any until I read yr post for a second time and after you had alerted me. My spelling stinks.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident."
