What film?

Lots of water is very good.

the high enemas are very good. I actually used some chlorella in it last time (same idea as using chlorella to attract lead and heavy metals in mining... wash it down) it seems to work.. i followed that with a light bentonite solution, then went and watched tv for 45 minutes before finishing with a clear rinse, to just let the remainder sit in there and soak in a bit after sending the major lot of it down the toilet... and oh my gosh... this really works... loosens all sorts of strange stuff just like the tuberose page says it does...

why have i been so ignorant about this for so long... this is so easy and so necessary....

no black gunk here, some sort of white mucky papery looking stuff, possible parasites mixed in... clay does kill parasites too... some fuzzy looking stuff...

the back feels quite good... stomach feels great...

I have a river full of real living water 75 feet from the door... state tested and certified one of the cleanest in the USA... when it's warm i go soak in there... it's pretty cold all the time but you get use to it and you get out after a 30 minute soak, or stay in all afternoon... and you feel great all week.