A tad worried about you in all honesty sunshine. read the threads in the mercury forum, am aware you are doing another colon herbal cleanse etc... and getting more and more black gunk. Something must be very wrong somewhere sunshine if your body is doing that over and over. i could be wrong, hopefully I am wrong. i know you are doing all you can.

I was thinking, have you checked the general health profiles of other people who have experienced that much black gunk? Is it somehow possible to do that?

I have been colon cleansing all month. i really am done just going to keep the herbals and enema stuff for mantenance as needed... the high enema is good on a regular basis... but still really, no black gunk here at all (and i have really cleansed) and I cannot help but wonder why your body is doing that. If it were just the metals i would see it here too it seems. My health has always been pretty good but still i have felt like a walking toxic waste dump for many years and have fought it with lifestyle, diet etc... i worked with heavy duty lead paints for years... I had 12 or 14 amalgams since I was a kid... i lived 13 years in filthy NYC.... I ate plenty of junk food for years... i love coca cola... I love a strong unfiltered cigarette!!! and no black gunk here sunshine.

Is it possible to find out the health profiles (somewhat) of other people with the black gunk?

Maybe something in your water maybe? What could possibly be causing so much of it? Do your kidneys and liver feel ok? Any slightly painful twinges, anything?