Round 1.

I have been amalgam free for 1.5 weeks now.

I just completed my first round on the Andy Cutler chelation protocol, DMSA 12.5mg every 4 hours for 3 days, even waking at night. Waking in the night was no problem, so I did the third night too, to make it 3 nights.

Had some very good spells, particularly on the second day I felt like a million bucks for 4-5 hours, right back to my good old self. But it didn't last & that evening brain fog set in and I looked at the wall for 4 hours. The best and the worst of it and all in the same day.

My heart was a bit racy at times and I had some strange
sensations/movements in my chest area. These are new to me, so theyfelt strange but no pain.

I did remember a dream. I don't usually.

I smell nasty.

My BM's smell nasty.

I have a strong metal taste in my mouth.

I awoke at normal time on Monday morning, after last dose at 2am, to a massively tingly & itchy right arm. I have a tattoo on my right arm, red and black ink, and it made me think that mercury was in the ink. Not a pleasant thought! But nothing more than itchy, no scabs or anything…just a tad itchy. A couple of hours later it was not itchy anymore.

Probably had an equal amount of time feeling ok as feeling below average.

Today is the first day after I finished and its basically the same….a nice gentle rollercoaster ride, not too fast, the fog comes and goes, but no feeling like a million bucks, nor looking at walls for too long.

All my previous amalgam removals have hurt like hell and have taken 3-4 weeks for me to get back to normal. The last was no exception; I would say this first DMSA round really helped. Previous removals have left me unable to function for 3-4 days in a row, repeating 7/14/21 days later, so what I described above is pretty mild compared to that, so it must have helped calm things down.

I'm real happy I followed advice and started on a low dose of 12.5 mg. That was easily strong enough. No desire to have it any stronger than that.

All in all a good success. It was very nice to feel so good, even if it was short lived.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident."
