I get mine from here : http://www.worldwidehealthcenter.net/category.php?find=dmsa

You must not take DMSA(or any chelators) with amalgams still in your mouth. It will seriously hurt for a long time if you do.

Wires under the skin….that I don’t know. I know that they make the mercury come out of the fillings quicker, but I don’t know if u can chelate with them or not. I could guess…but guessing get people in trouble.

Someone else will have to help on that. If no one replies then you should ask on Yahoo frequent dose chelation. They will know.

Again….don’t trust what the doctor or dentist says. They most likely do not know. you need someone familiar with Cutler protocol to say a yes or a no.

Are the wires in your mouth?

Have you seen the smoking tooth video on youtube?

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident."
