Hi Linda, I copied and pasted the article for anybody's interest, take it how you want. They'll be plenty of rebuttals, the internet is vast and there are a lot of people for and against on both sides. I expect that. It was also on renowned Journalists's "Michael Brown" website www.spiritdaily.com. This guy goes into everything in depth before posting, checking out every source.

however here is another link re anthony flew

I do not know however (though I was expecting this) that Flew was of unsound mind and it is obvious he does not believe in any "personal God", nor an afterlife, but put simply through his scientific studies, he has formed the opinion that life could not have arrived through chance, but rather designed via intelligence, considering the vast information within the genetic code, which make any computer we have today look like nothing in comparison.

I don't see what is addle brained about reaching that conclusion. I think it is reasonable and logical to consider that if the genetic code itself is beyond any computer we have today in information and nobody can doubt the intelligence required to build these, that intelligence just "might" have been behind life itself? It's funny how human beings have within us so many various creative abilities.

I saw that you laughed at Russ' post on the "oil", but II considered the irony that one evolution belief is that we come from primordial soup and somehow that is suddenly "logical". Whatever, the truth regarding Flew's book? and the ping pong arguments in regards to it? Certainly, there are scientists who have been "evolutionists" who through their science came to a belief in God.

There are plenty of Christians who lost their faith by believing in evolution. But it is also very interesting that when they get the chance to hear both sides, there have been many converts from that alone.

You cannot reconcile a belief in the GOd of the bible with Evolution Linda. The God of the bible is the Creator, evolution doesn't even come into the picture. God MADE man in His own Image and likness. He did not evolve man in His own image and likeness. THe world did not evolve through millions of years of death and suffering. Rather sin brought death and suffering into this world.

This is what the bible teaches, so either one throws away his/her bible and accepts the evolutionary teaching, or they accept God's word. I believe God's word can be put to the test and I have not been disappointed.

What does possession have to do with creation? Sorry you found it off topic, I thought it was interesting to include a bit of the paranormal and supernatural. I actually don't find it outside from creation, as the demon is already mentioned in Genesis (the book of creation). So perhaps it was only of interest to those who already believe.