PWCCA Said...

So, getting back to the topic at hand -- that being, the claim that rocks can turn into men -- I don't know of a single evolutionist who believes this, so I'd be curious, Russ (not you, SoSick) in why you continue to accuse them of this belief.

Well, for starters, here's a quote by LindaLou:

[color:"magenta"]"I think it is possible and even plausible that organic chemicals could start to replicate"[/color]

Post # 246200

No small feat, I would add, and a vague and timid reference to abiogenesis, no doubt (read the context).

When I use the phrase "rocks turn into men" or something similar, I am simply echoing the essence of abiogenesis extended by evolution. Yes, both myths requires water, and we all know that, but what I like to do is take all of the fluff out of the way so the common person can understand what a person is really trying to say.

Abiogenesis is the idea that minerals mixed with water and began to become vastly more complex—and live. The natural evolutionary extension to this belief is that these organisms became human over time.

I condense this mythical belief system into a common man's language by saying essentially the same thing, namely, "rocks turn into men". Perhaps I could be more accurate and say, "rocks and water turn into men", but I'm quite sure that would not make evolution disciples any happier. To do that, I would have to adorn this story with some big words in order to provide an aura of integrity and intelligence, only then would it "feel" comfortable.

Simply stated, when you remove all the adorning words that add an aura of intelligence to this unobserved faith, it then becomes clear how ridiculous the story really is.

So the answer to your question is this:

I do it to get to the truth behind the facade of intelligence.

Don't forget, this abiogenesis/evolution myth is also currently taught in textbooks, television, mass media, classrooms, and museums. It is a fallacy that is now suffering an attempted correction by those retreating to myths that are somewhat less ridiculous—but ridiculous still.

You said...

[color:"magenta"]"I don't know of a single evolutionist who believes this..."[/color]

If I did, I would have a hard time admitting it myself.

Funny though. They all used to. Why do you think they changed their minds?

Pssst: The masses are catching on.

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