Warning understood.

I admit that I did use baiting language toward you. However, I didn't realize you had been so busy that you couldn't reply to my questions. My apologies in this case.

The tactic used in the other thread was a response to avoidance tactics used by SoSick against me.

I have noted that SoSick exhibits abusive behavior when dealing with those who question her fact statements which she fails to provide any support for. Yet, you have not warned her in any thread that I have seen her do that. Is this because you have already diagnosed her and feel there is nothing you can do?

I guess I should be more "Christian" and turn the other cheek when abused in such a manner.

You state that I question in empty emotionally charged subjects. What areas should I avoid questioning in, so that I don't exacerbate the problem? Is the fact that angels appear in photos an empty subject to you? What about making English the official language of the US? Do you consider that an empty subject? The Biblical Flood is an empty subject also?

Frankly, I am at a bit of a loss as to how I can express my views or question others on their views without incurring a sanction from you.

A faith that connot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets. -- Arthur C. Clarke