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Linda has put down Kent hovind's qualifications, in an attempt to discredit his understanding and revealing of lies in the textbooks, then makes this statement in defense of her own lack of qualfications when challenged:

(Where did Cain find his wife thread. Post #247461)

Do I have a degree in science? No. No one needs one in order to understand basic scientific principles. I have been giving links for people to read if they want to, if they don't understand a point I'm making or if they want to check the evidence out for themselves. I'm asked on other sites where I talk about alt med, if I am a doctor. They want me to say I'm not, and shut up. But we know that alt med trumps the knowledge of your average GP any day. All you have to do is educate yourself.

Exactly Linda, which is what Kent Hovind has done and he's more qualified and experienced in this field than you are! He's also a fearless debator and is more than willing to debate more than one evolutionist at a time in front of an audience. Now, if he's so full of sh*t? Why is it so hard for them to debate him live? Why do they not make mince meat out of him in front of the audience live if he's got it all wrong? This is their chance to show him up right? There and then. Come on Linda, it's very easy for them to bash him behind his back on a website isn't it? But when it comes to invitations to live debates, suddenly they're very quiet. I've seen him debate by the way, he's as respectful as anybody else. He simply shows up the lies in the textbooks that were disproven years ago and asks why they are still there. If you want to talk about his insults, have a look sometimes at the way they address him also. The debates get heated, but are mostly respectful, which isn't easy in this area.

The invitation for live debates is always there. It's them that avoid it....yet one wonders why in the face of the apparent "Truck loads" of evolution proof that you keep stating is out there, that most of them avoid facing him down? They avoid live debates like the plague.