U.S. courts are as corrupt as any in the world. In a discussion among grown-ups their opinions mean next to nothing. The impact of their corruption, that's another thing.

They're corrupt because they have made rulings that you don't like? Nice one. Betcha wouldn't be saying that if they'd ruled the other way. There are other forums to talk in here if you want to complain about judges but it's pretty far off topic here.

The rest of the views you state here are reiterations, and I have already addressed them. I asked you to look at the link from Wikipedia which gives a graph and an analysis of Gonzalez's work on a timeline, which is compelling enough evidence for why he wouldn't have been granted tenure.

The fact of the matter is that ID is religion not science. The first two replies at the end of the article you linked to said the same thing (I didn't read further than that). If you want to claim that it is science then I suggest you start a new thread and offer some evidence in your OP. You'd have to explain, for a start, why there are so many scientific errors in creationist publications.

I am done discussing this dull affair unless you come up with any fresh and relevant evidence to present.