ID doesn't specify the designer. So the only qualifier they need is "A designer with an I.Q. of at least 115 like Joe Id here, could have..." and they're home free.
Sure, Joe could have, but since you have no evidence of Joe, saying "Joe did it" cannot be a conclusion. It is mere speculation, and not science.

You're trying to leverage historic methodology vs. scientific methodology. Thanks! I love history.

The past doesn't repeat (although history tends to do so). A limit of science concerning the past is that it can never say what happened. It can only test for what is possible and what is impossible.

So if science says "A designer =>Joe could have..." It's reached it's limit. But this is still valid science. Science alone will never say anything more, and one needs to turn to trustworthy methods of investigating history if one is to learn more.

Now let's fantasize for a moment: Joe creates life in his lab. This tells us that ID is a distinct possibility. We cannot say the atheist model is a distinct possibility. We cannot say your model is either. At this point, ID becomes the strongest candidate, because it's the only one of the three that's been demonstrated actually be possible. The others haven't been ruled out, but they've got to play catch-up. They need to demonstrate that they too are possible.

Meanwhile, ID is free to continue investigating, turning its focus to historic methods.

Alternatively, ID can attempt to go on the offensive and scientifically demonstrate the others are impossible (I do not say this hasn't already been done, so nobody start.)
Showing chemicals combining and saying they can combine like that, then concluding starting life is possible by chemicals combining like that is not saying that there is no God. It's just saying that this is one way life could have started, which supports the hypothesis that life began by chemicals combining together.

You mean "life could have begun by chemicals combining together. Remember the limits of science.

Maybe I'm just sleepy, because this looks like a you're saying that because humans make experiments that life had to have a designer. You will really have to flesh this out for me to make the logical connection. It may seem obvious to you, but it escapes me how the two are connected.

See above.

It may seem as supporting atheistic abiogenesis because God/aliens/pink unicorns/fairies are not mentioned. However, the designer is not seen. Design is not conclusively seen. So what should they do? Should they say something like "The designer we cannot show evidence for must have done it like..."? That's exactly like saying "The designer made this river curve right here" or "The designer made this snowflake just like this". In science you cannot attribute a result to a particular cause unless you can show evidence of causality.

I does not seem at all to support atheistic abiogenesis. Not to any person paying close attention. I think we agree. But it is always claimed to be supporting atheistic abiogenesis anyhow. On this we may not agree - I don't know.

Don't tell me...SHOW me. Show me this intelligent being or real evidence of his work. Show me how you decide which parts of life are designed and which parts are from natural causes. If it is the God of the Bible, show me His work and explain how you differentiate that from the work of chemicals combining. Until ID does that, their claim that a designer exists is only a hypothesis that is not even mature enough to have falsification possibilities defined. It certainly cannot be accepted as a theory that science will consider viable.

I think you were sleepy at this point. That's not what I was talking about.

I'm an engineer. My job security does not depend on evolution, so that dog won't hunt.
And the mystery of your loyalty remains unsolved.

Now, just to assess where we are, do we both agree that there's no testable scientific hypothesis for what actually happened?

If so, do there exist testable hypotheses for what could have happened aboigenesiswise? I mean the whole thing - not increments. Increments only count if they add up to life.

And not to wander too far astray, but I do have some questions about this model of yours which, if I understand correctly, is based on the idea that on a molecular level, matter is pre-designed to assemble life when given the opportunity.

Is there any evidence for this self-assembling property? Is is still active and available for testing, or has it discontinued? Is there a proposed mechanism by which it operates?

Dark Matter + Dark Energy = Dark Truth

"We find that such evidence demonstrates that the ID argument is dependent upon setting a scientifically unreasonable burden of proof for the theory of evolution." - Judge Jones Kitzmiller case

"To Compel A Man To Furnish Funds For The Propagation Of Ideas He Disbelieves And Abhors Is Sinful And Tyrannical." - Thomas Jefferson

"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?" - Thomas Jefferson