Same Sex Marriages, Legalized Abortion, Pornography...they all stem from one thing.

The seeds for the moral collapse of the United States were sewn in very document that established our government. Those seeds were put there by that Anti-Christian founding father, Thomas Jefferson. The states ratified the Constitution of the United States because they were tricked by those deist founding fathers who they, mistakenly, regarded highly.

I am talking about the First Amendment to the Constitution. The gall of them to allow religions other than Christianity!!

Wasn't the nation of Israel punished many times for the king's failure to stop his people from worshiping false gods?
Didn't Hezekiah reinstate God's blessing by tearing down the worshiping places of those false gods?

Yet our government has allowed this poison to infect our society and in fact protects that infection with a passion.


All protected and destroying our youth and our nation!!!

It is time for Christians to rise up and take back America! We don't need to have a change to the Constitution in order to define marriage. Nor do we need a rights-for-the-unborn amendment. Just change the first amendment to make Christianity (Nicene Creed, type) the only allowed religion. Tear down those idols!!!

Of course that means the free speech portion should be modified to prevent speech that is against Christianity and our God, but it is a minor change.

A faith that connot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets. -- Arthur C. Clarke