The flood stories are like phylogeny, it's a tree theory, many branches derived from one origin.

Keeping in mind that Ham went one way, had children who had children who diverged again, over and over, Shem went another way etc... some retained the story better than others (probably those with notebooks). names changed as dialects varied...You can choose whichever one you like best, it doesn't really matter as a place to start.

There is quite a bit of evidence that most of the earth was covered with water at some point anyway. The only ones arguing against it are evolutionists with atheistic agendas who want to bury the evidence and dig it up at some later date I guess, maybe call it a fossil and give it a special name. It's actually the only thing that could have formed the massive glaciers we still see today too. Lots and lots of water, which froze pretty fast. Fast enough to drown and freeze mammoths with their grassy lunch still lodged in their throats even.

I found this webpage with stories about guys who dig up ivory from mammoth tusks in Siberia, lots of mammoths all died at one time and got frozen up there, tons upon tons of ivory they have been selling it for years from up there.. I can find the page later maybe.
There's evidence of a world wide flood? Is it in a form other than written or spoken "history"?
Those Mammoths could have died in local floods. I look forward to your linking us to that web page you found.

You say it doesn't matter which flood story I decide to choose. Are you saying that if I choose one that it would necessarily lead me to the Bible story? How would that work? What do you have that tells you the Noah story is the true version and all these others are variations. Why couldn't the Noah story be a variation on the flood story from China or India or even Norway?

A faith that connot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets. -- Arthur C. Clarke