Hi Diane, if you keep it handy by making a copy of it, it'll make it much easier for you. I need to refer to the same information myself.

Avoiding sugar and caffeine is a start, but add wheat/gluten products/grains, as well as yeast and milk to the exclusion list. I would say that all those are the worst culprits, because so many mercury toxic people are intolerant to them, plus they feed candida (which contributes to straining adrenals and lowering immunity).

Wheat is also treated with mercury fungicide. I remember when I was mercury poisoned, I used to eat wheat cereals and things. Everytime I did, my poisoning symptoms would increase dramatically and I'd often go cold all over, my nails would go blue and I'd wind up crying and salivating uncontrollably. I'd go almost grey in the face. No doubt it's either mercury contaminated, or the action of it worsens mercury (that and the gluten it contains). Giving that up, plus sugar and yeast allowed for some dramatic improvements. Though I was still mercury toxic due to still having amalgams at that time, I felt so much better. Warmer body temperature, MUCH happier (I actually eliminated most of my depression), better hair, skin, shinier eyes, everything improved in health. I gather it must have postively impacted by entire endocrine system (adrenals, thyroid, the lot). Even the swollen lumps around my breast and underarm area went away! I was also eating raw foods too alot, so that helped the cleansing process.

Gluten grains are wheat, rye, barley, oats, etc. So if you suspect any gluten intolerance, you should eliminate them all, not just wheat.

You maybe ok with the alternative non gluten grains, though all high carb foods potentially feed candida and should be reduced or eliminated. That goes for fruit as well. Though fruit is healthy, it is still a source of natural sugars and may potentially feed yeast (if one has a bad enough case of it. Best to eliminate or reduce, at least temporarily until a person has recovered).

It would be wise to do a full diet and stick with it for weeks and evaluate what happens to you. If you find you go through a detox/die off process, as things often worsen temporarily, that is pretty much a no brainer that one is suffering from yeast overgrowth and toxic load. Toxins are released when one gives up toxic foods like that completely! If you keep having a bit here and there, it'll keep the yeast sustained. You must do a full elimination diet in order for the yeast to start dying off. Cheating will cause a relapse.

It can take around 3 weeks or so for improvements to show up. The foods that can freely be eaten are free range eggs, meats, liver, vegetables (excluding potatoes, corn, peas etc if they cause symptoms, as they are high in carbs), seeds, almonds/brazil nuts, acidophilus yoghurt, herbal teas, non gluten grain maybe ok (either limit or eliminate if it's still causing problems). Plenty of butter and other animal fats are good and extra virgin olive oil is also good.

Garlic is helpful too. Diet is essential in my opinion.