ok, now I get it. it was a funny thought though, irish builders wearing red earmuffs.

so... he's pretending to be a demo guy... demolition earmuffs.

Now, that's an interesting thought for someone trying to block out environmental sounds.. demo ear protectors.

I lived for about 8 months real close to the BQE (brooklyn queens expressway) in nyc once, it was dreadful, the noise. I slept every night with earplugs. It was still maddening. I have no idea how people live near big highways like that. It was really maddening. gorgeous apt. dreadful location. the noise, the exhaust.. a constant stinky loud rumbling shaking.

I should have gotten demolition earmuffs maybe I would have survived it better.

I'm actually not sure the kid is plugging old cushy earphones into the ipod to be absolutely sure, she might have them plugged into something else.

but my old cushy earphones fit the computer speaker jack thingy just perfect still.