Is this Christ's or Paul's definition of a Christian? Could you quote either one of them as saying this? Perhaps you could make a simple defense of your statement with some Bible passages that link the Roman Road with Genesis Creation?

If you read the bible Linear, each area of the bible is connected to the other. The original fall, through the sins of our first parents is explained clearly in Genesis, as is the fact God created all things good in the very beginning. Just pick up the bible and read it yourself. All things did not come from years of death and suffering and evolution from ape to man. God created man in His own image and likeness, not the likeness of the apes. Please again, just pick it up and read it. Why do I have to spoon feed you quotes, when they are in the bible and you apparently have one???

All things were created good from the beginning, which is what Genesis spells out. If you have trouble with that? Then I cannot help you. If you start toying with the bible and compromising, you will find yourself in a web of confusion. Even Christ Himself will be up for the same kinds of twists and doubts. Once you start downgrading or water down Genesis, you also water down and twist the reason for Christ sacrifice/death and ressurection. A Christian is a follower of Christ. If we deny Him, He in turn will deny us.

Do your women cover their hair in church? Why not? Doesn't Paul say in 1 Corinthians 11:


5And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is just as though her head were shaved. 6If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut off; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head.


Are the women in your church disgraceful or are they watering down the Bible? Does your pastor take them to task about their disregard for the literal Word of God or is he also watering it down?

If you were as strong on the message of the bible, as you are on pulling out convenient quotes, maybe you wouldn't need to even have this conversation. Im confused as to why you don't take the same stance towards yourself (as you have on hair covering) when you're on here trying really hard to downgrade the word of God and then doubting or casting doubts "who God is". How can you claim to be a Christian, if you don't believe Christ is the Son of God? That makes no sense. I've seen you try and find ways of casting doubts about it. That is not a Christ-ian. Where do you think the word arises from? There are many things that have been undone by liberals regarding the word of God and each one of us are sinners and are responsible for our own part to play in this. Spreading scandal and doubts to others is a serious sin also. Alot of things have been 'dropped" by liberals who seem to think they know better than God. Hair covering coudl be included in this. I don't know many who cover their heads in church, including myself. That may make me a "slack" Christian for letting that go. But am I doubting Christ? Am I casting doubts on Christ? am I filling others minds with such thoughts, because I am unable to accept His word? I would hope not.

Actually, what is being repeated is your acceptance of someone else's interpretation of the Bible. Your interpretation of the Bible is fine with me, since your church throws out inconvenient passages through apologetics as much as you accuse me of doing.

My Christianity is not at question here. I don't question your devotion to God despite your lack of desire to follow every jot and tittle.

It's not my interpretation of it, it's God's inspired word, there for anybody to read and understand. I haven't actually given any interpretation of it. Go read it yourself. God stated He created all things good in the beginning (how is that my interpreation, the bible says it clear as day). People must be careful not symbolise everything to the detriment of the literal. Because Christ told us that if they believe not Moses, how will they believe that one rose from the dead? Christ knew how important it was to believe in literal word of God from beginning to end, becuase once you start compromising and toying with it, you then become confused and doubtful over Christ Himself. Doubtful over HIs miracles, HIs death, His resurrection and before you know it, you're faith is in shreds or in total dissarray. And you're trying very hard to fit one thing in with another, based on what you want, rather than what the word of God says.

You can definitely question my devotion to God if you want Linear, though that might be a bit hard to judge from here. But as I confess Christ as my Lord and Savior, and the need for salvation due to my own sins (and sin nature). He's offered me that and I have accepted. That you can never deny. Though my devotion? You could put that up for question easily. Of course, being sinful, there is ALWAYS room for improvement. I question you being a Christian because if you deny Christ as being the Son of God and have not accepted Him as your savior, then how can you possibly be a Christian? Do your own homework and stop expecting people to spoon feed you, you have a bible then read it. Instead of picking and choosing bits you want to pull out and quibble over, but forgetting the entire point of the bible, which is the good news of salvation, and the point of our very beginnings. God did not create things from chaos, suffering or death.

If that doesn't satisfy you? Then please, seriously, leave me alone. I've been down this road before with you and I just find it does not cease and never will. Tiring, emotional and pointless. I cannot help you Linear, if you have problems taking God at His word, then what point is there in listening to one much less than He? (me).

I also have Linda on here to try and answer and I am on a full time caregiving course with assignments to do both there and at home. I'm making it clear to you Linear, that I do not have time to sit here and go around in circles with you on this. You have a bible, the word of God is there, the invitation from Him is always there.