My question was simple. Do you do everything the Bible tells you to? DO you? No, you don't. Not unless you cover your head in church, sacrifice the appointed animals on the appointed days, and other things that it says in Deuteronomy to do.

Linda, you sound like you're getting desperate for answers. Good. Here are a couple.

Being that current English Common Law is derived from the Bible, and being that current American Constitutional Law is modeled after English Common Law (which is why the U.S. used to be so prosperous), there are three types of agreements (contract) between entities. These types fall under the following headings:

(1) Ordinance
(2) Statute
(3) Law

Because you know nothing about the Bible, your question/statement is nonsensical because you are mixing together the three different types of contract with no regard to context.

As an aside, this is what you do with physics and chemistry (as do those whom you reference) and hence why you arrive at a faith in such grand fallacies as evolution.

(NOTE: Unfortunately, this is something you often do which causes you to draw ridiculous conclusions about evolution. Example: "I figure that a person who has devoted their life to studying this, and been highly trained, is going to give me accurate information. He has no reason not to." (Post #244600). I correctly referred to this assertion as "fantastically naive", which it is. The fact is, science is—as is every other industry—replete with special interests.)

Rather than give you a Bible lesson (which you have heretofore despised), I would suggest you do a Google search and find out the difference between these types of contract. In the process, you may just learn something about the most amazing, in-depth, foretelling, numerically-perfect book I've ever encountered:

The Bible.

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