Honestly I don't dissect it like you guys on here do as much scientifically but know there are scientific explanations for spiritual things. I do like to make sure things make sense..but not all things do in life. We will find it all out in time (or eternity). Some things, to me, just don't matter if you know what you believe and I just don't feel the need to prove details about the creation. But...I do believe the materials on our earth existed (for millions..eons, who knows) of years likely - all matter is eternal) and were used to organize the earth we were then placed on. It was all a very organized plan - even the fall. I don't know whether dinosaurs were here alongside man or not. I don't know if there were other humanoids at one time prior to our usage of this earth. (But really think there is no way to really prove conclusively that the bones found WERE for sure human in what ever stage of development people may think but don't know how to explain it myself and am not debating that point... ). I'm pretty logical and common sense. I really think some of you evolutionists are just as right on a lot of things as creationists but approach conclusions differently. Religions believe, too, in essence the same kind of things a lot, but use different terminology. You can't argue that a form of adaption or evolution to some degree exist. BUT I don't believe humans evolved from Neanderthals or their cousins. I believe the flood happened with Noah. The plant thing doesn't matter to me regarding the plants dying with the flood - sure they did but they recovered - (the seeds were still there). I read a book once years ago that put forth an explanation that made sense to me. It hypothesize that before the flood the earth would have been very rich with minerals as it had not rained - only misted - so far - so was very diluted that way after the flood and could no longer support giants and dinosaurs. That's someone's explanation in a random book, but it made sense to me. Possibly. I've heard the misting thing somewhere...(Biblical???)

Anyway, I do believe in a literal flood but am not a young earth creationist in the pure sense. I also think the first human, Adam, was a highly intelligent fully developed human. Sure - man adapted in a lot of ways - but believe man started out as man as we know man. I think the creation is quite literal and that the populating of the earth only happened about 6,000 years ago (the finalization when man came after the fall - the beginning of time as we know it and the history of mankind...obviously that doesn't include the time it took to organize the creation) and that we are close to the next millenia...which is why everything is in chaos on this earth. However, and I believe most Christians concede this - believe that - each creative day was at least a thousand years...(God's time). I also believe that our Heavenly Father, God (Elohim in the Bible) and Jesus (Jehovah in the Old Testament) are separate and distinct beings. We were created in God's image. He has an immortal body like we do.

Miracles ARE scientific... God has control over the elements but uses natural law. Its just beyond our finite minds to comprehend eternal things (or the ability to have control over the elements as God does)so we have to take some things on faith that we don't understand.

So...that is where I come from. The scientific details, to me, just don't matter even though it's interesting. To me religion IS scientific. I don't have to prove all the details to myself to believe in the creation. I believe in a lot of things.... I also believe we existed as spirits before we came to earth and that we are eternal beings. That in itself can add a whole different perspective to a lot of things. (Not the same as reincarnation, though). I know some people need to explain everything with their 5 senses, etc., but death kind of puts all questions to the test. Life does have a purpose. Sorry its so long... You did ask, though : ) I'm preparing myself for the ripping now...but you can't argue with a feeling : ) (a joke..sort of)

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is." Albert Einstein