Linda Lou, Although I have found this interesting, I don't care enough to spend the time you guys do on it. It isn't my life. Its one little piece of the puzzle. And its way in the past. I have all the answers I need and don't give a rat's butt to be frank. The references to the flat earth are being overused and are not pertinent to any of the points I made. There is no doubt lots of evidence out there that is open for interpretation however you want to see it....period. Thanks for at least keeping it somewhat respectful. I have my sources by the way.... I'm not in some state of denial or comfort zone.

Speaking of sources...are you listening to "the source?" (I'm part Native American. Couldn't resist : ) Also part English btw. My ancestors fought in the revolutionary war for the U.S. : ) We WILL rise again!!!! (Although there are forces trying to take us down....)

Hope you can get to the point you don't feel the need to debate this tired subject.

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is." Albert Einstein