Moshing refers to the activity in which audience members at live music performances aggressively push or slam into each other. Moshing is frequently accompanied by stage diving, crowd surfing, and headbanging. It is commonly associated with concerts by heavy metal, punk rock, and alternative rock artists.

nope, mosh pitting is nothing to do with me….

If u never heard of raving, then 100pct guranteed you’d hate it….this is what I’m talking about……raving…hot, dark, loud, sweaty…all night dancing


oh…found another good example….i was actually at this party…was the closing party of my old club that closed in march……this kinda captures the ….ahhhh…yes…..wildness


but I am very much an ex-raver now;-(

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident."
