Yes...a bit of sarcasm. In our country, Fundamentalist Christians want to deny rights to people because of what they have done that harms no one else, just because those Christians believe it is a sin. Not believing in Christ is one of the biggest sins of all. However, you hear nothing about denying rights to Muslims or Buddhists. Why is that?

Hang on. Who are you referring to that harms nobody else? Are you talking about homosexuals? You are aware that God Himself condemns homosexuality arent you? It is throughout the bible. He also condemns fornication (let that be a lesson to us "heterosexuals")...sexuality is a gift from God Linear, it's not something you and I "decide" where and how it should be used according to our feelings/urges. It is very much part of the sacred bond between a man and a woman within marriage, with the ultimate intent for procreation (even nature reflects the same male to female intent - with "few" deviations).

Fornication, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, paedophilia, deviate from what God intended and what He has commanded. Deviating from His intentions and commandments harms us, as much as it harms eachother and in the end, harms society. We can look at it very much from the "world's" viewpoint, or God's viewpoint, that is a choice. We can consider the world's view that so long as it's two consenting adults, it's "ok". Or we can consider God's view that it is not ok, it is a serious offense to Him and a violation to the gift of sexuality. He created it afterall, who are you or I to decide?

It is not up for your opinion or mine. If you believe in God, then it comes down to obedience, not "opinion". And obedience is also a sign of faithfulness and love. We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God in our personal lives, and all need to continue fighting the "good fight", but to okay sins? Is in a sense, scandalising others and putting our feelings and decisions above God.

You mean that foundational belief that we should love God with all our heart, soul and mind? That one?
How about "Thou shalt place no other God before Me"? Sounds pretty foundational to me.

Tell me, if you criticize another Christian for their "mistaken" interpretation of the Bible, or their actions that seem unBiblical, are you criticizing Christ? If not, why do you think I am criticizing Christ when I point out seemingly contradictory actions by Christians in my country?

Linear, if your original post was genuine, then I am sorry I accused you unfairly. Linda said it was "tongue in cheek" so I assumed she was right without even asking you. I should have known better than to trust Linda on that one. You are totally correct to point out the contradictions and how many more there are too! We are so often an inconsistent bunch, but human afterall. There is one true God. I believe personally that the way to the Father is through the Son Jesus Christ as the bible teaches. I do not believe that God condemns a person if they have not yet met Christ and have been brought up in another religion. The person's intentions and loyalty to their own faith defintitely comes into it and some can also put us to shame by their faithfulness to their own religion (whom they sincerely believe is the right way). Personal knowledge/circumstances etc most definitely come into it. I was, myself, away from Him. But not deliberately so! I did not reject Him, nor did I make fun of Him, I was lost and didn't know it. Because of this, He came to Me because I was "genuinely lost", not intentionally. Some part of me was seeking Him, but didn't know how. I came to Him after some painful outcomes with dabbling in the occult. He was the only one that had power over it. I tried other means to escape and was powerless.

Pointing out (or criticising) as you see it, if someone has missed something in the bible is not judging Christ. How can that be judging Christ? If Christ Himself had already pointed it out? You're only using correction. Do you think He would be pleased to have us say nothing for fear that the person will accuse us of "being judgemental"?

And yet Fundamentalist Christians do nothing about the government allowing false religions to florish. Strange!

Well I'm a New Zealander Linear and I cannot do much about what those in power decide to do once they get there. I can only vote according to my conscience and God's laws and vote for someone who has Christian values. So often, they do not get in. Why does any government in power allow abortion on any level? There's another one for ya. If you think false religions flourishing is bad, how about the abortion holocaust? You know, there are some "Christians' who actually support this atrocity?

Yes, we do indeed need Christ to come back and come back soon to right all wrongs. What a mess!