SoSick, don't pull Russ into this. You seem to feel a need to continually fight with someone... And you also seem to not be able to take what you yourself dish out when it is returned back. You got very defensive about my belief that the world has (is overall) in a state of apostasy. When offered our actual viewpoint you brushed it aside and found all the anti-Mormon rhetoric that you could muster which are blatant lies. And yes - I got ticked - royally - at one point and stated you were being a "butt" and that it was BS. (And I can find a post you stated that same word...) I have not shown you the disrespect you have me. And certainly don't deserve it. Who is doing the judging? You're the one pointing fingers at everyone else insulting us. I would honestly, if I were you, get some distance. Your BP has got to be up or something. Your sarcasm is almost definitely have some wit, but it is also hurtful. I sincerely hope you feel better. Take some valerian root or something. You are the one attacking - not the other way around.

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is." Albert Einstein