Hi Russ

LOL you are scrapping the bottom of the barrel now aren’t you. Kent Hovind (Dr Dino), the convicted tax cheat, claims to hold a masters degree and a doctorate from Patriot University a diploma mill accredited by an unaccredited, pay for service accreditation organization. Patriot University charges around $20 per credit and lists no faculty. In other words he has no credentials in any relevant fields and he holds the ‘honour’ to have many of his arguments, including most of those in this video, listed on the YEC website Answers In Genesis’ list of “arguments we should not use”. His arguments are so flawed that even the YEC movement has disowned him to a large extent.

If you care to present the particular arguments that you find compelling in this video we can discuss them but, given his track record and lack of any expertise or credentials at all other than as a showman I don’t think it would be worth anyone’s time or effort to watch the video.

In Reason


For every lone genius working away in solitude that shifted the paradigm, shattered the pedestal, or smashed the status quo, ten thousand quacks didn't understand the paradigm, couldn't find the pedestal, or whiffed when swinging at the status quo.