Hi Russ

Any reasonable person knows that the chance of error-mutation creating highly-complex, symmetrical, self-reproducing machines is astronomically low; virtually impossible.

I agree whole heartedly with this statement Russ. You have hit the nail right on the head. The only problem I have is that I thought we were talking about the theory of evolution. Wasn’t that what we were discussing? Mutation is a vital element but it is just one part. If you wish to talk about cars discussing gudgeon pin’s doesn’t get you very far does it. So how about, in the future, we talk about ToE rather than this cut down straw man which ignores some of the most vital ingredients of the theory. You are aware that Natural selection is a vital component of ToE aren’t you? If not, as your statements in this thread suggest then it’s understandable that you don’t believe ToE could work, without Natural Selection it couldn’t, I agree.

Nevertheless, it's your faith. If you wish to prove it, then you show the math.

I have no faith in ToE, I accept it because the evidence supports it. Before we get into the maths I think we need to get back to basics. Once you understand the vital components of the theory then you can start to appreciate the maths so lets get back to ToE 101.

You need to understand at least the following.

Mutation in all it’s forms
Natural Selection

There are many more ingredients but lets’ start simple. Are you happy that you really understand each of these components of evolution? I’m not asking if you believe in all of this just if you understand what is meant by each of these terms in an evolutionary sense.

If you are happy that you really understand what each of these terms mean and how they fit into an evolutionary framework we’ll move on Russ.

In Reason.


For every lone genius working away in solitude that shifted the paradigm, shattered the pedestal, or smashed the status quo, ten thousand quacks didn't understand the paradigm, couldn't find the pedestal, or whiffed when swinging at the status quo.