Hi Bex,

RAZD talks about dice, but the dice he talks about already exists, including the numbers on it.
Are you sure? or are you assuming information that you don't know for sure?

I have two dice

(how many sides on each di?)
(what markings are on the faces?)

I throw them several times

(how many times?)
(what do they land on?)
(does anything affect how they land?)

This is a very simple example, but it is completely impossible to calculate the odds of throwing a 7 because you don't know the answers to those questions.

To calculate the odds you have to know all the answers, and thus the problem with calculating "probabilities of life, etc" is that to do it properly you need to know all the answers. You would have to already know how life and molecules etc etc form.

This is why all the calculations by all the creationists and IDologists are completely bogus.

It's very simple.


we are limited in our ability to understand
... by our ability to understand
Rebel American Zen Deist
- to learn - to think - to live - to laugh
... to share.