Linear. I believe God is allowing us to use our free will by making choices. So I think it's about "choice" , rather than chance. Nobody goes to hell by chance, they go there by choice. Otherwise one makes God either a liar, or an evil doer. This I would think is pretty blasphemous wouldn't you? Sorry to employ the word here, but I can't think of how much worse it can get to be honest.

We make a choice for salvation or to reject it. The invitation to us is there because we have a mind to think, a faith to exercise and a heart to accept. I don't see how chance has much to do with it. Nobody winds up in Heaven by chance. They get their by the saving blood of Christ (which was also not done by chance). And by battling through life's temptations and obeying God's law.

I think the word "chance" sounds like God really just leaves everything to chance, rather than people making an intentional decision....I'm not sure I'm understanding your use of the word to be honest. It just doesn't make sense to me in this regard. I make a choice to read the bible too. I don't leave the bible to open by chance. I don't rely on chance. I make an intentional decision for these things.

I've already been through this. Seriously, I'm just repeating myself and probably getting nowhere. It's late, there are a lot of posts on this forum to read and try and answer and there is only one of me. Linear, you are free to believe what you wish. I can't change what you decide to think about God. all I know is, God doesn't want anybody in Hell and would not have died a cruel death on a cross for "chance". He died for you and for me and everybody. The worst sinner has a right to the saving blood of Christ as much as anybody. He/she only has to come to Christ, repent and accept that invitation and follow Him.....

Not much to ask eh?