Hi Jeanie

Well, yes, we are gonna have to agree to disagree Russ. Your claims are indeed interesting.... I suppose I would like to know how in the world you can trace such a thing. But its not likely to convince me.

Here’s a very brief article on Varve sediment layers.

A similar patter can be detected and used to age deposits and detect climatic changes in ancient times in ice cores. Here’s one that goes back over 700000 years.

From the above, and I’ll go into more detail if you are interested, we can prove that the earth never moved a long distance in space. It has always been in orbit around a star with the same mass as this one at the same distance as we are now (with some long term changes that we can also track) without a break such as you would see if it was moved from one place to another in the universe.

On page 5 of this piece you’ll see a discussion of how we can count the number of days per year in ancient corals so we can measure the earths rotation rate and orbit in the distant past.

All of the above data would show signatures if the earth had been moved from one location to another in space at some time in the past few million years. None of them do.

All of the evidence for homo sapiens exists in the last 200000 years, there’s no evidence to suggest that our species existed before that time and good reasons to believe that we did not. So the data above which shows that the earth has been in this orbit for well over 700000 years clearly shows that it has not moved during the time man has existed on this planet.

As I said the physical evidence contradicts your claim that the earth moved here after the fall. If you need any more info or more explanations on the above I’m happy to help. It is, necessarily, only a very brief introduction so don’t expect it to answer all your questions. There are links to follow if you wish or just come back here and ask me questions and I’ll try to explain it to you.

The skewed part has to do with my view on how you view God who you don't believe in.

It’s hard to find any two christians with the same view of god so I guess you’d have to expect that an atheist/agnostic would not have the same view as a christian even if my view is just hypothetical. Don’t get me wrong, I can see where you are coming from and get into your headspace to some extent but when I apply logic, reason and evidence to it for me it all falls apart. At that point I have to diverge from you.

All the best Jeanie


For every lone genius working away in solitude that shifted the paradigm, shattered the pedestal, or smashed the status quo, ten thousand quacks didn't understand the paradigm, couldn't find the pedestal, or whiffed when swinging at the status quo.