Point out a specific example of "spin" and "character assassination", Russ.

I am sincerely laughing out loud at this request. Unbelievable.

So the answer appears to be "no, my words are enough, without any examples or evidence to back them up."

I am again laughing out loud.

You actually spun my words. Astounding.

I interpreted "I believe you are a dishonest person" to be equivalent to calling him a liar. Unless there's a more suitable word to describe a dishonest person. I can't think of one. It isn't character assassination to respond to someone's claims by not respoinding to those claims specifically, and simply calling them a liar? You do know what the logical fallacy of ad hominem is?

I am laughing out loud three-times as much now.

There are no more proficient spinners on this forum than you. You are the best! That's my honest opinion, which I fear is shared by many.

So you don't propose to censor anyone? Maybe you can explain what you mean by "cracking down"? You are claiming that the opposition's statements are "straw men" though this is your opinion and not fact as such. If I'm wrong in drawing my conclusions then please let me know what your original intent in that statement was.

More ad hominem about "spin" as well, which appears to be a favourite word at the moment. Until you specifically explain why you disagree with anyone's statements, I'm afraid this doesn't prove anything. I'd like to see you directly address any of the science that's been offered here with something more than an argument from incredulity.