Well, sorta... for those who are willing to posit the suspension of all physical laws, and make ongoing exceptions for one or two...
I don’t know of a version of big bang theory that posits the suspension of all physical laws, you’ll have to explain that one to me. The current scientific theory of the ‘big bang’ explains that many of our physical laws have limits, what does the law of gravitation mean for a particle travelling faster than the speed of light for example. These limits are well known. Einstein discovered and explained some of them in great detail. What occurs inside the event horizon of a black hole for example. It’s not that w arbitrarily suspend physical laws when their boundary conditions are exceeded we just realize that they don’t apply any more or that they have to apply differently to the way the work in normal space. There is a great deal of testable maths and theory behind the predictions of big bang cosmology, the cosmic microwave background radiation was generated at a time when many of these laws were ‘suspended’ as you put it yet we managed to predict in quite a bit of detail what it would look like long before it was observed.

I’ll give you an analogy for those who are having trouble with this, how do the laws of acoustics explain the propagation of sound left to right across the wings of a supersonic fighter at mach 2? Is there some big mystery as to why these ‘laws’ are ‘suspended’ in this situation? The same is true of the laws ‘suspended’ during the big bang. The laws that govern matter in low gravity and low temperature situations don’t apply to the early moments of the big bang in exactly the same way that the laws of acoustics don’t apply to the supersonic jet. In fact in both situations the laws apply fully but they can’t fully explain what is going on, something more is needed.

Steady State, as I recall, really only needs to violate one physical law. Of course those who think physical laws can't be violated on whims really don't care for either story.
LOL well Steady State has the one major drawback, that it contradicts observation, that’s a killer for any theory IMHO.

In Reason


For every lone genius working away in solitude that shifted the paradigm, shattered the pedestal, or smashed the status quo, ten thousand quacks didn't understand the paradigm, couldn't find the pedestal, or whiffed when swinging at the status quo.