Why should anyone really care about things like gay rights anyway?

LinearAq phrased his opinions quite eloquently before and I agree with many of them. If you want your own rights protected, especially if you are in the minority in any respect, then you need to be willing to grant rights to other people too, even if they think differently from you. I repeat, who are these people hurting. It is paranoia to suggest that collectively they are responsible for ills in society.

Why are you also concerned about their "risky behaviours" if a) they have no influence on you and b) you are not interested in participating.

The gay people my husband and I know are, I repeat, ordinary people. You can cite examples of any kind of community living in what you believe to be an immoral way. Whatever people do at Key West does not mean that all gays are like that and I know it for a fact. And your picture of white picket suburbia is a fantasy. All sorts of things that you would classify as sins still go on there.

Your disapproval of the lifestyles of certain individuals does not justify condemnation of a whole subset of people.