Bex, I think something needs to be said here. This forum has been filled recently with angry posts from you. I for one am getting tired of "it's not fair/you think you're so great/your side should be so embarrassed, you're all deceivers/blah blah". That seems to be all we're talking about, rather than actual creation and evolution.

As for the trolling thing, OK, put yourself in an evolutionist's shoes. You are countering claims from creationists such as "you believe rocks turned into humans" or "there are no transitional fossils." Could you really answer the way a person knowledgeable about science would, or would you be tempted to repeat the straw men that creationists so often do about these topics and say something like, "I know there are very few transitional fossils but evolution is TRUE!" Beep, you're rumbled mate. Anyway, I'll let you play with the fascinating possibilities here.