Heavy Metals can cause autoimmune disease.
So can certain medications..
I remember also on the pink disease board the owner who has
pink disease mentioned her brother has autoimmune disease.
And most of them on a survey I read on that board said they
had sound sensitivity problems.
Autoimmune disorders is 10 times more common today then 25 years ago.
And low levels of vitamin B are linked to autoimmune disease as well.
And there was mention on the hyperacusis board by an Audiologist TRT practioner about a possible autoimmune relationship
in hyperacusis ect.. disorders.
With explaining why??
It's all interesting reading and where all this may lead too..
But I mentioned the Thread "Eating Noises Do They Bother You?
And lots of stories there of people with sound sensitivity problems or reactions to certain sounds you decide..
as there are some simularites there and some differences in certain stories as well.
But maybe somebody with this type of disorder can relate to someone else's story it's a long thread 5 pages long.

Eating Noises: Do They Bother You? Classic Thread
1 2 3 4 5


Hope this helps somebody...
In some way..