Originally Posted by CTD
Originally Posted by LinearAq
ABE: I found that Russ posted a link to this list that scientists have signed stating their doubt concerning Darwin's theory. Looks like it's not placing their jobs in peril. Maybe the idea that dissenters will be fired is just a bunch of trumped up baloney.
Maybe the poor little worms who have to resort to intimidation are more bluff than substance. Maybe they can't get every single person who opposes or questions them fired.

We know they try. We know they wish they could succeed. We know they're losers doing the bidding of the chief loser.
So now evolutionists are worms and the followers of Satan. I thought name calling was not considered good forum etiquette. As forum moderator, you don't have to worry about that.
What next? Are Christians who believe that the speaking in tongues is a sign of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit also followers of Satan? ...Or is it Christians who say that speaking in tongues is a sign from Satan who really are Satan's followers?
Maybe it is not your interpretation of scripture that is the right one and you are actually causing more people to fall away with your "followers of Satan" accusations.

A faith that connot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets. -- Arthur C. Clarke