Hi -- I started talking in a thread here called "Chelation with ALA alone" but since I'm not doing that now, I thought it would be better to start a thread with a more accurate title.

This is day two of my first proper chelation round in a year. I had apparently hit what Cutler calls the "stall period," when organs are dumping mercury but symptoms don't feel like they're improving. I'm not entirely sure what happened to me last year but I lost heart and stopped, thinking if I treated my adrenals and thyroid that might be all I needed. It wasn't, so here I am again.

I started chelating again because I put something in my system that stirred mercury up. I think it might have been some digestive enzymes. Not sure why that happened but I figured I had nothing to lose by doing a chelation round.

I now feel the same as I did a year ago, before I stopped chelating and I sunk into a year-long spell of deep, numb depression. I feel more alive and alert. More "myself." My dose is only 12.5mg ALA and 6.25mg DMSA, so I'm heartened that I seem to be getting results with so little; maybe it means my body is ready to dump this stuff. I'm getting mild headaches, stomach aches and fatigue, but it's all manageable. It isn't so nice having to wake up in the middle of the night again to take a dose, but it's a small price to pay.

I lost my appetite when I started chelating (I tried ALA alone first but it made me quite sick). Now I'm on day 4 without sugar and I'm feeling effects from that too -- jittery and low, pessimistic mood. I've been having problems with sugar for a long time too, it was a crutch when I felt poorly or didn't know what else to do to get well. I am pleased to be trying to clean my diet up but I think I'll have to prepare for some troublesome withdrawal symptoms first. I'm not hungry but cravings today are becoming irritating.

All in all though, a very positive start. All of this is preferable to how I was feeling. I was so dead and numb inside.