Day 3 of chelation. Quite fatigued now. My 10-minute bike ride home from work was interesting. The energy just didn't exist in my muscles and I ended up walking my bike up very gentle hills.

Mental symptoms are becoming more intense. I'm more forgetful. Don't feel like being around people, they irritate me. I've developed this sense of inadequacy, especially at my job, which has always been a sensitive point with me in this area anyway. My self-confidence has flown out the window and it seems like everybody is better than me at everything. I remember feeling like this as a child. I've always blamed my parents for it and certainly they contributed their share, but I wonder if all those amalgams in my first teeth had something to do with it too.

The truth of this is still so amazing: I've been poisoned. Millions of people have been poisoned. And people are by and large blind to it because dentists and scientists and the government are by and large blind to it too. 100 years from now people will be horrified that mercury was put in people's mouths.

Back to my own experience -- deep down there's still a sense of calm and purpose. My symptoms are a long way from getting the better of me, I recognise them for what they are, and I don't feel the necessity to reduce my dosage. Having said that, I think it's going to be a while before I consider increasing it.

I'll add posts if anything different happens, but this is the way I expect my rounds will go for the foreseeable future. I think I'm making good progress.