Thats a tough call JK, I didn't have as many fillings as you and I can't have a good round if the dose is over 17mg of each ala/ you are definitely taking a higher dose than most toxic people, I'm not sure if raising the dose would help. If you wake up on a night that you are not chelating, is it just as hard to fall back asleep?

Linda, I know you are anxious to get your body and mind working properly...but I feel like I've been having very similar reactions to you, and I decided it might be best for me to take an extra day or two between each round, giving my body more time to bounce back. I normally take a 3-4 day break after a round, but I took an extra few days after one round and it really made a difference, and the next round went smoother as well. You might want to try that, as I know the feeling of impending doom and it isnt fun!