Are you detoxifying properly? One thing I noticed is that if I become constipated during a round I feel much worse. Detox teas help me feel better, although lately I wonder if using them during a round might impair the effectiveness of the round? Chelation does give me muscle ache. I plan to basically veg on the days I chelate, as my energy levels become even lower, and my muscle ache increases. I need to push the envelope a bit though, as otherwise I am afraid progress will take too long.

How long have you been taking 17 mg of each? I think it is probably not so good to stay at that dose for long without increasing it, while others might say to stay on that dosage until the symptoms during chelation decrease. Are you using just DMSA for the last few doses of the round? That might help quite a bit to decrease the end of round symptoms. I noticed that the next day I don't feel as bad if my last two doses are just DMSA.