The link is an interview with Boyd Haley packed with tons of useful information and some stuff about OSR.

Chelating with amalgams still in mouth is a pretty massive no-no.(perhaps with the exception of OSR, not certain so youll have to do some research or email Boyd, hes very open to questions, his website is

Put simply and politely-If the doctor knew your bro still had amalgams and gave him the chelorex formula,..... you need to find a new doctor.

I am in a smiliar situation to your brothers (insanity,etc..)

My opinion-Consider dropping ALL chelators except OSR. As Boyd states in the interview he is confident in its non-toxicness and safety. When someone is on the brink of fracturing from reality (like i am and sounds like your bro is) the last thing you want to do is bombard there body with chelators and free up a ton of metals that were once tucked away and less damaging. Also ALA imo and experience is very very risky for people having all the brain related symptoms and should definitly not be gambled with till the end of the chelation process. 100mg a day OSR seems to be wayyyy to much for autistic kids to start on (as stated by parents on the yahoo OSR forums) sooo something else to think about.

If your bro can type id be interested to talk with him coz sounds like we both experiencing the same things. So let us know.