Cutting out dairy for a few weeks can be a drastic step for many people. Many might get over half their calcium intake from dairy, and cutting this out with taking more high quality calcium supplements to offset this might be a problem. Dairy items such as milk and yogurt are also good sources of potassium, so cutting these out also means one needs to find other sources of potsssium to replace them(perhaps vegetables?)
Diziness might be caused by a lack of potassium, or even perhaps a lack of sodium. The need for potassium and sodium is even greater in hot weather. Many with mercury toxicity do better on a relatively high sodium diet. Not all dairy items are the same. Many who are dairy intolerant do okay if they switch to low lactose dairy items. Yogurt is much lower in lactose than other dairy items, or you could get special lactose reduced milk or cottage cheese, or take lactase supplements(Lactaid) when you consume dairy products. Imo low fat plain yogurt is an important food that most people should eat.

I am convinced that sugar cravings are due to low serotonin levels and low blood sugar. I have changed my eating habits, eating 4 small meals a day rather than eating two large ones.
I also take magnesium with each meal.