That is a possibility. I was having weekly DMPS infusions but I dropped back to biweekly ones because they were tearing me apart. I'm scheduled to get another infusion on Wednesday and I'm going to talk to my doctor then.

Is it possible to get such a high amount of mercury in the body with just one amalgam filling? I am fond of seafood but I don't eat it every day and I haven't had any vaccines in years. Another poster said that Doctors Data Inc. is very reliable but I'm skeptical.
I wonder if they are not detoxing you to quickly. You sound sicker than I do and I have 11 amalgams in still. Not every method of detox is going to work for everyone. You have to find what makes you feel better and that may be a more natural route. But, yes how did you mercury get that high with only one amalgam? Hmmm?
Have you looked into detoxing naturally? Using Chlorella and other supplements?