I might read his book. I have done a great deal of research on the internet regarding mercury poisoning and detoxification and the one thing that I've found out is that you have to find a program that works for you because every individual is different.

I've already had 17 DMPS infusions and I have been on oral DMSA for a little while. I'm also using algin and vitamin C and vitamin E with selenium so I am using synthetic and natural chelators.

Frankly, I'm ready to hang it up now. I want to die. Laura and Russ gave me some great encouragement (see above) and they are almost as old as I am. Yes, it is sobering to be at this point in my life and to be this sick at the same time.

Russ, did you feel that God had abandoned you before you got your amalgams out? That's how I feel and without God I have no reason to go on living.


I know it's more money, but I strongly recommend that you read Andy Cutler's 'Amalgam Illness' book. You will find yourself in there. Mercury attacks the endocrine system, specifically the thyroid and adrenals. If you are low in either of these,you will be horribly depressed and have suicidal tendencies. You will find many of your other symptoms in there, and there is a biological reason for them. You are poisoned!! If you have had your amalgams out, you can also learn about Andy's low dose chelation protocol with DMSA and ALA, which is acknowledged to be one of the safest ways of detoxing, and probably better than taking high doses of DMSA every other day. I found myself in this book - I have a textbook case of mercury poisoning - I am hypothyroid, hypoadrenal and hypoglycemic, practically housebound, and miserable. There have been days when I wanted to die, and if it wasn't for my children I might have been tempted. But there are ways of treating these symptoms and lifting you up and out of the depression. I am now taking adrenal support and Armour, and feel brighter mentally and more hopeful. It will be a long climb though. I am 40 in a few months - it is a sobering place to be in the middle of your life. Get the book, inform yourself, get yourself treated and fight back.

I wish us both good luck and better health in the future.
